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浸大生物系系主任黃煥忠教授 榮獲銅紫荊勳章 Congratulations to Prof Jonathan Wong, Department of Biology, is awarded BBS in recognition of his notable contributions to our sustainable development. 


浸大生物系系主任黃煥忠教授 榮獲銅紫荊勳章

Congratulations to Prof Jonathan Wong, Department of Biology, is awarded BBS in recognition of his notable contributions to our sustainable development. 


黃煥忠教授,MH, JP



Professor WONG Woon-chung, Jonathan, MH, JP

Professor WONG  is instrumental in promoting food waste reduction and food wise culture in Hong Kong. He offers professional advice to ensure the smooth launching of the first large-scale organic resources recovery facility built by the Government, and establishes a local organic production and processing standard as well as a certification system.