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Prof. ZHAO, Jun

Associate Professor

(+852) 3411 6687
(+852) 3411 6687
RRS 816


B.S.(TJU, China)
Ph.D. (NTU, Singapore)


  1. Zhang, R.; Zhao, J.; Ye, J.;  Tian, X.;  Wang, L.;  Pan, J.; Dai, J., Role of tea polyphenols in enhancing the performance, sustainability, and catalytic cleaning capability of membrane separation for water-soluble pollutant removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 468, 133793.
  2. Ye, J.; Yang, J.; Liu, Y.;  Xue, W.;  Wong, J. W. C.;  Dai, J.;  Zhao, J.; Crittenden, J., Synergy of pore confinement and co-catalytic effects in Peroxymonosulfate activation for persistent and selective removal of contaminants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 154034.
  3. Ye, J.; Xue, W.; Wang, P.;  Geng, Y.;  Dai, J.;  Pan, J.;  Duan, X.; Zhao, J., Intensify Mass Transfer and Molecular Oxygen Activation by Defect‐Bridged Asymmetric Catalytic Sites Toward Efficient Membrane‐Based Nanoconfined Catalysis. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 2403964.
  4. Wang, P.; Xue, W.; Ye, J.;  Zhang, R.;  Kumar, R.;  Cai, W.; Zhao, J., Efficient Glucose Isomerization to Fructose using Photoregenerable MgSnO3 Catalyst with Cooperative Acid-Base Sites. ChemSusChem 2024, e202400637.
  5. Liu, Y.; Xue, W.; Chowdhury, A.;  Rangappa, A. P.; Zhao, J., S-vacancy regulation over ultra-thin ZnIn2S4 for enhanced photocatalytic valorization of biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5-diformylfuran. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 154613.
  6. Dai, J.; Li, L.; Fang, Q.;  Tian, X.;  Zhang, R.;  Pan, J.;  Zhao, J.;  Wang, Y.; Ye, J., Weakly hydrophobic microenvironment-assisted membrane-based confined catalysis for efficient organoarsenic contamination removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 495, 153355.
  7. Cai, W.; Kumar, R.; Zhu, Z.;  Varjani, S.;  Hu, Z.-T.;  Wong, J. W.-C.; Zhao, J., Catalytic pyrolysis of polypropylene waste for liquid fuels production using Ni/Al-MOF-derived catalysts. Next Sustainability 2024, 4, 100059.
  8. Akaniro, I. R.; Zhang, R.; Chai, X.;  Tsang, C. H. M.;  Wang, P.;  He, S.;  Yang, Z.; Zhao, J., Engineered digestate-derived biochar mediated peroxymonosulfate activation for oxytetracycline removal in sustainable wastewater remediation. Environmental Pollution 2024, 124640.
  9. Shao, Y.; Geng, Y.; Li, Z.;  Long, Y.;  Ajmal, M.;  Lu, W.; Zhao, J., Unlocking the potential of humic acid production through oxygen-assisted hydrothermal humification of hydrochar. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 472, 145098.
  10. Geng, Y.; Johnravindar, D.; Xue, W.;  Ye, J.; Zhao, J., Efficient Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid at Room Temperature Using a Pd/Chitosan-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Catalyst: Synthesis, Characterization, and Kinetic Study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2023, 62 (47), 20213-20222.